Thursday, April 14, 2011

Why I cannot teach in person.

I have just gotten back on my blogger page and started reading blogs after taking at least a month off and was inspired.  I read a blog from
I got to go play volleyball all night and come home and am not able to sleep and then her post got me thinking, brought a tear to my eye.  I have hardly been able to write a blog since I was really working hard writing an online science course.  I was associating the computer with work rather than pleasure or enjoyment.  I sent one semester's worth of a course in and met my deadlines and am working on 2nd semester at a more reasonable is time I dive back in.   I feel like I am in a confessional...thank you Catholisism.
I took my kids to mcdonalds on Monday and then to the park under the power lines.  Yes we have a really nice network of paths and parks, but they are located under power lines.  Also, our apartment is extremely close to one, and probably not the best for our health.
But I digress...they really really loved it.  I got some coupons from my sister to spoil them with, and she made sure it was cool to send them.  I am not a perfect mom, my kids know all about mickey d's.   I know it is even worse since I had this organic farm and such, but we don't live in a vaccuum. 
So we were going to mcdonald's, but it was also perfect timing for kids getting out of the high school right across the street from it.  I knew we were in for it when I saw a crossing guard there.  That is really good though, to make sure kids don't get hit by cars and that they drive a bit more carefully coming out of the parking lot. 
We got our order in at mcd's at just the right time before it got all crazy and busy.  And then I got in a huge hurry to get out of there.  All I remember is a girl in a short skirt and her thong hanging out the front without any acrobatics--no bending over picking up her science book or dropped change.  Just out and--OUT OF THE FRONT. Seriously???  This is o.k. with her parents and the school?  Obviously it was fine with the 5 boys she was hanging out with.  ugh.   
I decided right then and there I am no longer looking into teaching here.  I was really kind of considering it at least on a part time basis, but oh how that changed things.

And then I read that wonderful blog post today from a teacher that had a girl donate her coveted mermaid dolls to kids in Japan.  How do we get from that to thongs???? IN THE FRONT.
I know--not the same girls, not the same parents...but...but....Seriously, why can't we have a more empowered female culture here.  If we don't do something about it, someone else will.  What happened to all the work the women did in the past century?  I am sure they didn't work for that?  And those of you that know me, know I am by no means a prude.  I just think many of our girls have lost a sense of pride in themselves and their bodies.  They have so much more to offer the world.  They should take a lesson from the sweet kindergartener in vodkamom's blog.  If you get a chance, really read this post and all of the rest of her posts.  She is a kindergarten teacher with a seriously twisted, sweet sense of humor!


  1. In the front? GeezeOfreakinPete! Are her parents complete morons? Why does that kid need attention of the wrong sort so badly? Empowerment is a major topic at our house with an almost 13-year old chicky who bitched because the shorts we ordered were 'too long'. I'm happy you posted about your blog. I hadn't 'read you' in months.

    I don't blame you. Teach from hundreds of miles away, it's safer.

  2. I know!!! I am so glad the longer shorts are back in style. Our darling is stuck with us until she is at least 25 telling her how to dress. She is actually even worse than me and cannot stand that I read Vanity Fair because of all the "naked" people in it!
